Hello World

I spend a lot of time on my phone. I wouldn’t mind this so much if I was actually accomplishing something instead of just consuming and consuming and consuming and consuming.

One of my goals for this year is to try and produce more things. That’s where this blog comes in. I don’t particularly mind what I end up writing here, I’d kinda just like to write something. Granted, practicing expressing myself in a wordy long form format is also a good goal in and of itself.

Just cause it may be interesting to reflect upon, I’ve put up some stubs for a few posts. They are:

  1. An exploration of MobX–a post where I reimplement some MobX functionality and demonstrate it is not magic (even though it kinda feels like it is).
  2. Thoughts on slow travel–how to use it to improve your life.
  3. A trip report of the Otway Rip.